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Some projects

This page lists some of the projects I have conceived, and curated over the last years, and some of the artistic and critical projects I have taken part in as dramaturg or theorist.


Photo by Santiago Sepulveda (2014)


Antidotos. Encuentros para pensar las artes vivas en el paisaje político

Centro de Cultura Digital, Ciudad de Mexico, February-March 2024

    Foreplay names a peculiar mode of being together and working in performance, recognized as distinctive of a group of artists operating in the 1960s New York scene, among which Ellen Stewart, John Vaccaro, Ruby Lynn Reyner, Jackie Curtis, Andy Warhol, Tom Eyen, Jack Smith, Penny Arcade. Matching an original approach to historical materials and theoretical reflection, the book addresses the peculiar forms of production, reproduction and consumption elaborated in the 1960s scene, through artistic experiments and social performances, as labors of love, creating for artists a condition of ‘preliminarity’ toward professional work, and at the same time functioning as a counterforce within productive economy, as a prelude where value is not yet conferred upon labor. The book proposes that such labors of love can be considered both as paradigmatic for contemporary forms of precarious labor, and also as marginal forms of resistance to ideas of capitalist productivity and professionalism. This book, and the idea of foreplay which stands at its core, took shape as the unlikely encounter between two lines of inquiry which have punctuated my work in the last decade, proceeding simultaneously and progressively interlocking: a historical investigation into performance history, and a theoretical inquiry into modes of performance labor in contemporary capitalism.

Antidotes: encounters to think about live arts in the political landscape

We are living a very intense time in political terms: conservative forces, or forces distinctly descended from fascist genealogies, continue to seize or to gain state power on an international level, various forms of war are staining of blood the global political landscape of recent years. They are contexts that prolong, amplify and inform local yet common histories of racial injustices, migration, or struggles for a future of emancipation.


Rumbos de vida


 Cisterne Romane, Palazzo Duchi D'acquaviva. Atri , Italy, July 6th - September 18, 2024

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Curated with Rodolfo Suárez Molnar

in the frame of Stills of Peace Ed. XI, Italia e Messico

    Foreplay names a peculiar mode of being together and working in performance, recognized as distinctive of a group of artists operating in the 1960s New York scene, among which Ellen Stewart, John Vaccaro, Ruby Lynn Reyner, Jackie Curtis, Andy Warhol, Tom Eyen, Jack Smith, Penny Arcade. Matching an original approach to historical materials and theoretical reflection, the book addresses the peculiar forms of production, reproduction and consumption elaborated in the 1960s scene, through artistic experiments and social performances, as labors of love, creating for artists a condition of ‘preliminarity’ toward professional work, and at the same time functioning as a counterforce within productive economy, as a prelude where value is not yet conferred upon labor. The book proposes that such labors of love can be considered both as paradigmatic for contemporary forms of precarious labor, and also as marginal forms of resistance to ideas of capitalist productivity and professionalism. This book, and the idea of foreplay which stands at its core, took shape as the unlikely encounter between two lines of inquiry which have punctuated my work in the last decade, proceeding simultaneously and progressively interlocking: a historical investigation into performance history, and a theoretical inquiry into modes of performance labor in contemporary capitalism.

Project realized as a collaboration between Fondazione Aria and UAM Fronteras.


Feminismos Antipatriarcales and Poetic Disobedience

9 and 10 June 2021 via zoom


Femimismo antipatriarcales: Lukas Avendaño, photo by Edith Morales

    Foreplay names a peculiar mode of being together and working in performance, recognized as distinctive of a group of artists operating in the 1960s New York scene, among which Ellen Stewart, John Vaccaro, Ruby Lynn Reyner, Jackie Curtis, Andy Warhol, Tom Eyen, Jack Smith, Penny Arcade. Matching an original approach to historical materials and theoretical reflection, the book addresses the peculiar forms of production, reproduction and consumption elaborated in the 1960s scene, through artistic experiments and social performances, as labors of love, creating for artists a condition of ‘preliminarity’ toward professional work, and at the same time functioning as a counterforce within productive economy, as a prelude where value is not yet conferred upon labor. The book proposes that such labors of love can be considered both as paradigmatic for contemporary forms of precarious labor, and also as marginal forms of resistance to ideas of capitalist productivity and professionalism. This book, and the idea of foreplay which stands at its core, took shape as the unlikely encounter between two lines of inquiry which have punctuated my work in the last decade, proceeding simultaneously and progressively interlocking: a historical investigation into performance history, and a theoretical inquiry into modes of performance labor in contemporary capitalism.

Feminismo antipatrircales and Poetic Disodedience was a research cluster part of the 2 yers project Queer Feminist Currents. Conceived as a collective exploration of different acts, techniques, postures and spells actively affirming feminist resistance against patriarchy and extractive colonialism, the event was inspired by practices of knowledge production and artistic creation developed by contemporary artists based in Latin America.


Domestics Against Domestication

London, UK, June 2019


A study day hosted by the University of Roehampton, Department of Drama, Theatre and Performance & Coventry University, Centre for Postdigital Cultures. Convened by Valeria Graziano and Giulia Palladini . With contribution by: Valeria Graziano | Bettina Knaup | Giulia Palladini | Ella Parry-Davis | Eleanor Roberts | Kim Trogal | Ana Vilenica.

    Foreplay names a peculiar mode of being together and working in performance, recognized as distinctive of a group of artists operating in the 1960s New York scene, among which Ellen Stewart, John Vaccaro, Ruby Lynn Reyner, Jackie Curtis, Andy Warhol, Tom Eyen, Jack Smith, Penny Arcade. Matching an original approach to historical materials and theoretical reflection, the book addresses the peculiar forms of production, reproduction and consumption elaborated in the 1960s scene, through artistic experiments and social performances, as labors of love, creating for artists a condition of ‘preliminarity’ toward professional work, and at the same time functioning as a counterforce within productive economy, as a prelude where value is not yet conferred upon labor. The book proposes that such labors of love can be considered both as paradigmatic for contemporary forms of precarious labor, and also as marginal forms of resistance to ideas of capitalist productivity and professionalism. This book, and the idea of foreplay which stands at its core, took shape as the unlikely encounter between two lines of inquiry which have punctuated my work in the last decade, proceeding simultaneously and progressively interlocking: a historical investigation into performance history, and a theoretical inquiry into modes of performance labor in contemporary capitalism.

The starting point for this project is the encounter between the idea of ‘domestics’ emerging from my work (suggesting that the set of activities associated with organizing, maintaining and inhabiting a house constitutes a category in its own right, that is not a given, but a field of struggle and imagination) and the critical reflection on technological domestication, central in Valeria Graziano’s research work. If technological domestication has functioned as a framework to understand how industrial modernity has shaped home life, it is high time to question again the demarcations of what this entails today, both in terms of the gendered, class and racial division of domestic labor and in terms of repurposing the technological means of social reproduction.


The Labor and Leisure of Performance

July 2014 | Speicher, Waagegasse 2, Erfurt


Interdisciplinary workshop convened by Giulia Palladini and Ilka Saal

    Foreplay names a peculiar mode of being together and working in performance, recognized as distinctive of a group of artists operating in the 1960s New York scene, among which Ellen Stewart, John Vaccaro, Ruby Lynn Reyner, Jackie Curtis, Andy Warhol, Tom Eyen, Jack Smith, Penny Arcade. Matching an original approach to historical materials and theoretical reflection, the book addresses the peculiar forms of production, reproduction and consumption elaborated in the 1960s scene, through artistic experiments and social performances, as labors of love, creating for artists a condition of ‘preliminarity’ toward professional work, and at the same time functioning as a counterforce within productive economy, as a prelude where value is not yet conferred upon labor. The book proposes that such labors of love can be considered both as paradigmatic for contemporary forms of precarious labor, and also as marginal forms of resistance to ideas of capitalist productivity and professionalism. This book, and the idea of foreplay which stands at its core, took shape as the unlikely encounter between two lines of inquiry which have punctuated my work in the last decade, proceeding simultaneously and progressively interlocking: a historical investigation into performance history, and a theoretical inquiry into modes of performance labor in contemporary capitalism.

The workshop put an integral, yet underestimated, phenomenon of today’s culture industry up for debate: the “free” labor professional and amateur workers in the performing arts advance during their “free” time in hopes of future validation.


Affective Archives

Vercelli/Turin, November 2010


Archivi affettivi: Collage by canecapovolto (2010)

    Foreplay names a peculiar mode of being together and working in performance, recognized as distinctive of a group of artists operating in the 1960s New York scene, among which Ellen Stewart, John Vaccaro, Ruby Lynn Reyner, Jackie Curtis, Andy Warhol, Tom Eyen, Jack Smith, Penny Arcade. Matching an original approach to historical materials and theoretical reflection, the book addresses the peculiar forms of production, reproduction and consumption elaborated in the 1960s scene, through artistic experiments and social performances, as labors of love, creating for artists a condition of ‘preliminarity’ toward professional work, and at the same time functioning as a counterforce within productive economy, as a prelude where value is not yet conferred upon labor. The book proposes that such labors of love can be considered both as paradigmatic for contemporary forms of precarious labor, and also as marginal forms of resistance to ideas of capitalist productivity and professionalism. This book, and the idea of foreplay which stands at its core, took shape as the unlikely encounter between two lines of inquiry which have punctuated my work in the last decade, proceeding simultaneously and progressively interlocking: a historical investigation into performance history, and a theoretical inquiry into modes of performance labor in contemporary capitalism.

(PSI Regional Cluster #01 Italia, November) Curated by Giulia Palladini, Marco Pustianaz and Annalisa Sacchi


Archivi affettivi / Affective archives was both an international conference and an artistic event, hosted by Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (Vercelli, Italy) and  sponsored by Performance Studies international (PSi), the largest international association in the field of performance studies. Archivi affettivi / Affective archives was the first performance studies event organized in Italy. 

Some projects/Collaborations


Collaboration with choreographer Emma Murray on the project “A Live Annotated Encounter with my Archive” in the "Digital and Distanced Dance Potentialities Residency", hosted by Movement Art Practice (Christchurch, New Zealand) (project selected in the 2020 Research  Exchange, sponsored by Creative New Zealand and the Rātā Foundation).


Dramaturgical consultancy to Tara Fathei Irani on the performance project Mishandled Archive.


Dramaturgical consultancy to Mapa Teatro for the performance piece La Despedida.


Invited guest theorist in the project “Studio 13. Let’s talk about work (and life)”, curated by Silke Bake and Jacopo Lanteri, Tanzfabrik, Berlin, Germany, March 25.


Participation as theorist in “Taking Time Together”, an art-research project curated by Nora Sternfeld and Teemu Maaki, Aalto University - Galleria Augusta, Helsinki, Finland, April 8-22. During this project, I wrote the Manifesto for Polyorgasmic Disobedience.

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